

Building Reliable Systems In JavaScript With Workflows and ​Durable Execution

2:05 - 2:50 PM ET ; Novella Room

Today's interconnected world demands systems that exhibit fault-tolerant behaviours, offer high scalability, ​and ensure consistent performance. But how do we, JavaScript developers, ensure that our applications are ​not just resilient but also reliable?

This is where durable execution comes into play.

Join me as we'll delve into how to efficiently use Durable Execution to build reliable JavaScript apps.I will ​introduce you to the concept of Durable Execution and Temporal as the technology for this, exploring how ​execution can persist despite system crashes, power outages, or abrupt shutdowns.

We will look at examples and through that understand how the code is made reliable behind the scene.

This talk aims to equip JavaScript developers with the successful implementation of workflows and durable ​execution for creating evolvable, maintainable, and reliable systems. Expect practical examples, real-world ​case studies and definitely bring your burning questions - we'll tackle them during or after the talk.

Peter Mbanugo

Peter is a software consultant, OSS contributor, and the author of "How to build a serverless app platform on Kubernetes". As a ​proactive leader, with excellent interpersonal and motivational abilities, he helps clients achieve digital transformation and ​modernisation through software consultation, implementation, or coaching and mentoring.

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